In Pursuit of Art: Taiwanese Calligraphy and Painting Artist Feng-Zu Lin

Feng-Zu Lin grew up in a family of Chinese art, music and literature and was greatly influenced by her grandfather in those aspects of Chinese culture. When she was little, there was a pond by her house, she remembers the beautiful water lily blooming with the changes of the seasons. Their beauty inspired her art creations later in her life. Her father Pao-Jia Lin, was one of the greatest ceramic artists in Taiwan, also had an immense impact on her. She watched him create beautiful ceramic works and enjoyed writing Chinese calligraphy and painting Chinese art on ceramic pieces. That also makes her art creations different from other traditional Chinese calligraphy and paintings, which were mostly done on sheets of paper made of bamboo.
After she got married to Jui-Fang Hsueh, she was busy taking care of the family and raising three beautiful daughters. Encouraged by her calligraphy and Chinese painting mentors, after her daughters grew up and had their own families, she has been consistently doing art exhibits in Taiwan, as well as in the United States, France, China, Austria, Switzerland and the UK. During the past 40 years, writing calligraphy and doing Chinese paintings have been her great passion, and a significant part of her life as well.
The love from her family, and the encouragement from her mentors and friends all helped her to fulfil her dream in art. She has also participated and organised various Chinese calligraphy workshops, contests and conferences.